mercredi 6 juillet 2016


Myriam has been gone for over 2 weeks, she found a studio flat in Australia and is getting organized there in Melbourne.

Myriam est partie depuis plus de 2 semaines, elle a trouve un studio aen Australie et s'organise la-bas a Melbourne.

It has been the hottest June since decades in Hong-Kong and the Typhoon season has already started. Taiwan is bracing for a huge one today and tomorrow with winds over 220 km/hour... pretty scarry!

Nous avons eu le mois de Juin le plus chaud depuis des decennies a Hong-Kong et la saison des typhons a deja commence. Taiwan se prepare pour un enorme typhon qui devrait arriver aujourd'hui ou demain avec des vents depassant le 220km/h... effrayant!

Mark who loves boats and sailing, went to visit a beautiful boat from Norway that is spending some time in Hong-Kong near the Maritime Museum. He took beautiful photos. See below.

Mark qui adore les bateaux et la voile, est alle visiter un beau voilier Norvegien qui passe quelques temps a quai a Hong-Kong pres du Musee Maritime. Il a pris de belles photos que voici.

He also took a picture of an old HK junk only used for tourists but very pretty anyway!
Il a aussi pris en photo une vieille jonque de HK utilisee seulement pour les touristes mais tres belle quand meme!.

Now the white flowers are blooming again and Kai Phong and I enjoy seeing them every day.


Les jolies fleurs blanches fleurissent a nouveau et Kai Phong et moi les admirons tous les jours,

Yesterday we saw a street cleaner wearing a charming outfit. I asked permission to take her photo, she agreed but kept working.

Hier nous avons vu une balayeuse portant un charmant costume. Je lui demandai la permission de la prendre en photo. Elle accepta mais continua a balayer.


Kai Phong is well and I painted 2 small portraits of her on little square canvas.

Kai Phong va bien et j'ai peint 2 petits portraits d'elle sur de petites toiles carrees.

She is very hot but keeps her appetite!
Elle a tres chaud, mais garde bon appetit!


I have started painting another huge canvas and spend a lot of time on a ladder.
J'ai recommence a peindre une enorme toile et passe beaucoup de temps en haut d'une echelle.


Felicitations a Chun Wing qui est recu au Bac avec Mention Assez Bien. Il y a seulement 4 ans, il ne parlait pas un mot de Francais. Nous sommes remplis d'admiration car il a etudie seul en plus de ses cours, repetitions, spectacles et galas a l'Opera de Paris.
Photo CW LAM on his blog
Congratulation to Chun Wing who passed the Baccalaureat (French high school graduation) with honors. Only 4 years ago he did not speak a word of French. We are very impressed and admiring because he studied by himself, all alone, on top of all his dance lessons, rehearsals, performances and galas at POB (Paris Opera Ballet).


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