lundi 11 juillet 2016


We just had the hottest days in 50 years while Typhoon Nepartak was ravaging Taiwan and South-Eats China. In Happy Valley, near our flat the mercury climbed to 37,9 degrees a record in Hong-Kong according to HK observatory. We live in the hills just above Happy Valley, but there is a bit of wind which slightly cools up the temperature.

Nous venons d'avoir les temperatures les plus chaudes a Hong-Kong depuis 50 ans, tandis  que le cyclone Nepartak ravageait Taiwan et le Sud-Est de la Chine. A Happy Valley, pres de chez nous le mercure est monte jusqu'a 37.9 degres un record a Hong-Kong selon l'observatoire local. Nous habitons sur les collines juste au-dessus de Happy Valley, mais il y a un peu de vent ce qui rafraichit legerement la temperature.

On Saturday, as we came back home from a concert, there was an amazing storm which lasted very long and according to South China Morning Post : " The city was hit by a whopping 10,000 bolts of lightning during an epic 12-hour overnight thunderstorm, with even meteorologists taken aback by its intensity".. 
Photo South China Morning Post

                 Photos South China Morning Post

Samedi comme nous revenions d'un concert, il y eut un incroyable orage qui dura tres longtemps et selon le South China Morning Post :"La ville fut frappee par 10 000 impacts de foudre au cours d'un epique orage qui dura 12h  durant la nuit, meme les meteorologues furent surpris par son intensite".


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