dimanche 25 septembre 2016


We came back from Huangshan (The Yellow Mountains) late on Friday night. The following morning we were invited to a Bat Mitzvah (12 years old girl celebrating her religious majority) there was a service in shul, followed by a lunch.

Nous sommes rentres de Huangshan (Les Montagnes Jaunes) tard Vendredi soir. Le lendemain matin, nous etions invites a une Bat Mitzvah (une jeune fille de 12 ans celebrant sa majorite religieuse), il y eut un office a la shul suivi d'un dejeuner.

The young girl Clementine was half French half Chinese. Her Dad was born in Nimes (south of France city) and the mum in Beijing. The family arrived in Hong Kong 2 years ago. Both daughters speak French and go to the French Lycee and primary school, they speak Mandarin, English and learn some Hebrew too. To brush up her Chinese, Clementine spent 3 weeks in Beijing going to a summer school.

La jeune fille Clementine, etait a moitie Francaise, a moitie Chinoise. Son papa venait de Nimes dans le sud de la France et sa maman de Beijin. La famille est arrivee a Hong-Kong il y a 2 ans. Les 2 filles parlent Francais et vont au lycee et a l'ecole primaire Francais, elles parlent Mandarin, Anglais et apprennent un peu d'Hebreu. Pour perfectionner son Mandarin, Clementine a passe 3 semaines a Beijin cet ete pour prendre des cours d'ete.

Clementine did very well, she is very bright, and nice and very beautiful too... she seems to be the perfect child if that exists. Later on the lunch was delicious and we enjoyed the company of many friends in the congregation.

Clementine fit une tres belle Bat Mitzvah, elle est tres intelligente, gentille aussi et d'une grande beaute en prime... elle semble etre une enfant parfaite... si ca existe. Par la suite le dejeuner fut delicieux et nous passames du bon temps en compagnie d'amis de la communaute.

In the evening Chinese music at the Hong Kong Cultural Center in Tsim Sha Tsui!!! (pronounce Tsim Sha Tchoille).

Le soir, musique chinoise au Centre Culturel de Hong Kong a Tsim Sha Tsui!!! (prononcez Tsim Sha Tsoille).

We heard the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in its opening concert of the 40th Orchestral Season, the world premiere of 4 commissioned works by Chew Hee Chiat, Cheng Dazhao, Lao Luo  (that is his Chinese name while his real name is Robert Zpllitsch a German born composer) and my favourite Ng Cheuk-Yin (whom we had heard already once playing many different Chinese instruments and being played in a Jazz club in Central. 

Nous entendimes l'Orchestre Chinois de Hong Kong dans son concert d'ouverture de la 40 eme saison, jouant en premiere mondiale, 4 oeuvres nouvelles commandees specialement, oeuvres de Chew Hee Chiat, de Cheng Dazhao, de Lao Luo (c'est son nom chinois) mais son vrai nom est Robert Zollitsch (un Allemand) et mon favori Ng Cheuk Yin (que nous avions deja entendu jouant divers instruments chinois et jouant ses propres oeuvres dans un club de jazz de Central.

All 4 composers use both Western and Chinese music in an amazing and beautiful mixture.Every piece was introduced in Mandarin by a famous theatre actress and producer called Chen Xinyi. She said she was 78 years old and she seemed very funny and entertaining but as we don't understand Mandarin we did not get the jokes nor the fun. She changed dress and necklaces before introducing each music piece and made the audience laugh and think!

Les 4 compositeurs utilisent de la musique Occidentale et Chinoise en meme temps en un etonnant et magnifique melange. Chaque morceau etait presente par Chen Xinyi, une celebre actrice et productrice de theatre chinoise. Elle dit avoir 78 ans et semblait tres drole et amusante mais comme nous ne comprenons pas le Mandarin nous ratames toutes les blagues et tout l'amusement. Elle changea de robe et de collier a chaque nouveau morceau de musique qu'elle introduisait.

The 4th piece was played by the HK Chinese orchestra with the participation of the HK junior Chinese Orchestra. At the end there was a short piece sung without words by both orchestras, it was simple and easy to remember, so the conductor Yan Huichang gesture to the public to join them in singing which Mark and I did happily, so did our neighbours. The public enjoyed singing with the orchestras and everyone felt happy and relaxed after this amazing performance.

Le quatrieme morceau fut joue par l'Orchestre Chinois de Hk avec la participation de l'Orchestre Chinois Junior de Hong Kong. A la fin du morceau, une bref chant sans paroles fut chante par les deux orchestres reunis, il etait simple et facile a retenir, aussi le chef d'orchestre intima-t-il au public de se joindre a eux, ce que Mark et moi fimes avec plaisir ainsi que nos voisins. Le public etait ravi de chanter avec l'orchestre et tout le monde semblait heureux et relax apres celle incroyable concert.

The 4 composers were present in the audience. they felt very emotional, happy to be so successful and to hear their music played beautifully by this huge orchestra. 

Les 4 compositeurs etaient presents dans le public tres emus, heureux d'avoir tant de succes et d'entendre leur musique aussi bien jouee par cet enorme orchestre.

The instrument were fascinating, on the left, like in a western orchestra were the chinese violon and alto like instruments : ehru, and gaohuthen. On the right were the ecco-ehru and the ecco bass Gehu  and eco-Zonghu which were like cellos and conter-bass. Behind were incredible instruments I don't know and at the back the flutes like : Guan, Suona, Sheng qudi and Bangdi and at the back far away but so huge, all the percussions, and bells and gongs, Timpanis there was one harp : Konghou.

Les instruments etaient incroyables, a gauche, comme dans un orchestre occidental, il y avait les violons chinois : ehru et Eco-gaohu, puis les equivalents des violoncelles et contre-basses : ecco-ehru, Eco-Zhonghu et Eco-Bass-Gehu. Derriere d'incroyables instruments que je ne connais pas, derriere encore les equivalents de nos flutes : Guan, Suona, Sheng Qudi, Bangdi et tout au fond, loin mais enormes, les percussions, cloches, gongs, timpanis, il y avait une harpe Konghou.

Music started like in European music and suddenly the percussions so loud, so unexpected made us jump to the ceiling, but were welcome! I LOVE IT!!! It's worth risking a heart attack!!!!

La musique commencait a l'occidentale et soudain les percussions chinoises nous faisaient sauter en l'air, inattendues, terriblement bruyantes, mais bienvenues. J'ADORE!!!!!   Ca vaut la peine de risquer l'infarctus!!!   

This morning (Sunday) we went with young people to the Stanley Military cimentary to honor the Jewish soldiers and civilians dead defending Hong Kong during WWII or dead as POW. Mark told their stories, he did research and found many details on the life  and history of some of them. The youngsters seemed interested even if it was boiling hot with no shade.

Ce matin (Dimanche) nous sommes alles avec des jeunes au Cimetierre Militaire de Stanley, rendre hommage aux soldats et civils morts en defendant Hong Kong durant la seconde guerre mondiale. Mark parla de leur vie, il a fait des recherches et a trouve pas mal de details sur la vie et l'histoire de certains d'entre eux. Les jeunes semblaient interesses, meme s'il faisait une chaleur a crever.

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