lundi 22 août 2016


Seen in South China Morning Post interesting photos of ethnic Chinese women wearing hats I find amazing, but which must be very heavy to wear!

Vu dans South China Morning Post, des photos d'une femme de tribus chinoises, portant des chapeaux etonnants, mais qui semblent particulierement lourds comme couvre-chefs!

I painted several portraits of Kai Phong before her summer shaving, and showed them to her, but she seemed unconvinced.


J'ai fait des portraits de Kai Phong avant rasage estival et les lui ai montres. Elle a regarde poliment mais ne semble guere convaincue... 

Photos de Brigsteer dans le Lake District, ou le frere de Mark a une residence secondaire. (la premiere photo)


Servez-vous de pommes (help yourself to apples)



Photos taken in Brigsteer where Mark's brother has a country house. (the first picture)

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