mardi 21 juin 2016


For Myriam last day in Hong-Kong, we went to Ocean Park, our first time since we have been in Hong-Kong. It was a very hot day (33 degres) and as it was a week day, the park was not too busy. We mostly wanted to see the park's 4 giant pandas, Ocean Park is the only park in the world outside China to host 4 Giant Pandas) and also saw small red pandas, as well as the Asian animals.

Pour le dernier jour de Myriam a Hong-Kong, nous sommes alles a Ocean Park, la premiere fois pour nous depuis notre arrivee a HK. Il faisait tres chaud (33 degres) et c'etait un jour de semaine aussi le parc n'etait-il pas trop plein de monde. Nous voulions surtout voir les 4 grands Pandas du Parc, Ocean Park en effet est le seul parc hors Chine a accueillir 4 pandas geants. Nous voulions aussi voir les petits pandas roux et autres animaux regionaux. 

The Giant Pandas were not easy to see. We could just see the head of one, rather far away. However, I found the red pandas as cute and much more lively, one came just near me and I could take lovely photos of him. (It was obviously a male).

Les Pandas Geants etaient durs a voir, nous pumes juste apercevoir la tete de l'un d'eux au loin. Tandis que les petit pandas roux etaient aussi mignons et bien plus actifs. L'un d'entre eux (un male visiblement) vint tout pres de moi.



Another interesting animal was the "Sichuan Snob Nose Monkey". A big monkey with lots of hair on his back, a very long tail, a big belly, strange sticking out ears and very scary teeth. This Chinese monkey has a very interesting head indeed.

Un autre animal etonnant etait "le Singe du Sichuan a Nez Snob." Un grand singe poilu sur le dos, a tres longue queue, au gros ventre, aux oreilles decollees et aux canines impressionnantes. Ce singe Chinois a vraiment une tete curieuse, tres differente.

We also saw some Koalas which were active even as it was day time. In Australia I always saw them moving very very slowly or munching slowly their eucalyptus leaves. So I really enjoyed seeing them move and look at us. Myriam, who was going to Australia a few hours later, was also very excited to see her first koalas.

Nous vimes aussi des koalas qui etaient actifs meme en plein jour. En Australie je les avais toujours vus bougeant tres, tres lentement ou machant tout aussi lentement leurs feuilles d'Eucalyptus. Aussi etais-je ravie de les voir en mouvement et nous regardant. Myriam, qui allait en Australie quelques heures plus tard, fut enchantee de voir ses premiers koalas. 


This last day went very quickly and now both our children are in Melbourne./ Ce dernier jour a passe tres vite et maintenant nos deux enfants sont a Melbournee.

Only Kai Phong stays with us and takes interest in the canvas for my next painting./Seule Kai Phong est avec nous et s'interesse a la toile de ma prochaine peinture.

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